
Ota Pansky
EDSO representative
EDSO representative

Dietmar Marschner
EDSO technical director
EDSO technical director

Norbert Hensen
DGS President
DGS President

Steffen Rosewig
Head of OC
Head of OC

Stefan Lamertz
Deputy Head of OC
+49(0)201 8141710
Deputy Head of OC
+49(0)201 8141710

Anne Köster
OC Assistent
+49(0)201 8141712
OC Assistent
+49(0)201 8141712
Liable for the contents on this website is the vice president for public relations of the Deutscher Gehörlosen-Sportverband.
postal address
Deutscher Gehörlosen-Sportverband/German Deaf Sports Association
Jan Eichler
media and public relations
Tenderweg 9
D-45141 Essen
founded: 7. August 1910 in Cologne
residence: Essen, Germany
registered at district court Essen: No. 89a VR 1990.
tax office Essen Süd: St. Nr. 12/5753/0204
© 2018 Deutscher Gehörlosen-Sportverband all rights reserved
Contents and structure of are protected by copyright. Duplication of information and data particularly the use of texts, parts of texts or any footage must be confirmed by the German Deaf Sports Association as long as no other copyright is stated.
Public use regulations: The German Deaf Sports Association provides cost-free downloads on this website. In case of abuse the association refers to the applicable law.
We explicitly point out that the association is not liable for any contents of connected websites. This declaration applies for all links placed on this website.
postal address
Deutscher Gehörlosen-Sportverband/German Deaf Sports Association
Jan Eichler
media and public relations
Tenderweg 9
D-45141 Essen
founded: 7. August 1910 in Cologne
residence: Essen, Germany
registered at district court Essen: No. 89a VR 1990.
tax office Essen Süd: St. Nr. 12/5753/0204
© 2018 Deutscher Gehörlosen-Sportverband all rights reserved
Contents and structure of are protected by copyright. Duplication of information and data particularly the use of texts, parts of texts or any footage must be confirmed by the German Deaf Sports Association as long as no other copyright is stated.
Public use regulations: The German Deaf Sports Association provides cost-free downloads on this website. In case of abuse the association refers to the applicable law.
We explicitly point out that the association is not liable for any contents of connected websites. This declaration applies for all links placed on this website.